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2.2 PTR notes update, Arena Season 3 and future contents

2.2 PTR patch notes update

The 2.2 PTR patch notes have been updated, here are the changes:

* Voice Chat - The new Voice Chat feature is now available in game. Players will need to go into the options menu under Sound & Voice to activate it. Volume sliders are available for the microphone, speakers, and game-audio fade (which automatically lowers the game audio when a voice communication is received), as is a "push-to-talk" setting. Right-clicking on a player's name now includes the option to mute or unmute that player. Muting another player blocks all voice chat from him or her; the ignore feature now blocks both voice chat and text chat from that player.
* Chat Channels- New Chat Channel controls and functionality are now available under the chat tab in the Social Window of the interface. The interface will now show the channels players are in or are available, depending on the area of the world they are in, along with new private channel controls.
* A new feature for reporting players as being AFK in battlegrounds by right clicking has been added. When enough reports are registered, a 30 second debuff will begin to count down. Once the timer is up a new debuff will appear that will prevent the player from gaining any honor while it is on. This debuff can be negated as soon as the player engages in combat.

* Daze: Defense skill will no longer reduce the chance players have to receive the Daze effect when attacked from behind by enemies.
* Non-combat pets now have the tag "Companion" instead of "Minion".
* Damage and health leech effects always affect flying players even if they are immune to the rest of the spell's affects while in flight.
* Dueling players may not use a Lightwell that they didn't create themselves. [Damn! There goes one of Lightwell's few uses.]
* [Hunter] Raptors can now learn Dash.
* [Shaman] Earth Shield is now canceled at logout.
* Ankhs now stack to ten.

Arena Season 3

As we have learned during BlizzCon Season 1 Arena gear will become buyable through the honor system when the season 3 comes. Vaneras posted the estimated price, and date for season 3.

Season 3 is likely to start when the Zul'Aman patch (Patch 2.3) is launched, however there is a chance that it might be delayed to some time after the release of that patch.

Additionally it should be interesting for you to know that once season 3 have started, it will be possible for you to buy Season 1 gear using honor points (approximately 15k/piece).

Future content in Dustwallow Marsh

Nethaera posted an interesting tidbit of information about future content in Dustwallow Marsh.

Just curious how the announcement of the expansion has affected other 70's?
I have just decided to work on alts and do quests for gold until WOTLK comes out.
What about the rest of you?

Don't forget that we have voice chat coming, guild banks, Zul'Aman and something else after that slated for future patches. (Even some changes to Dustwallow Marsh people might be interested in.)

The World (of Warcraft) doesn't stop because we announce a new expansion in the works.
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7 December  7 December @ 2010-10-04 23:25:04

When will be released Catalysm?  When will be released Catalysm? @ 2010-01-24 18:39:53

Me too  Me too @ 2008-11-06 02:26:17

Preordered on Amazon allready and I hope they wont let me down  Preordered on Amazon allready and I hope they wont let me down @ 2008-11-06 02:23:29

Just 6 more days to wait....  Just 6 more days to wait.... @ 2008-11-06 02:22:45

Cataclysm pre-order!

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